1. Sustainability TOP
  2. ESG Data
  3. ESG Data (Governance)

ESG Data (Governance)

Composition of Officers

Unit As of June 26, 2024
Board of Directors Directors Person 14
Independent Outside Directors 6
Proportion of Independent Outside Directors % 42.85
Female Directors Person 2
Proportion of Female Directors % 14.28
Audit and Supervisory Committee Audit and Supervisory Committee Members Person 5
Independent Outside Directors 3
Nomination and Remuneration Committee Nomination and Remuneration Committee Members 5
Independent Outside Directors 3

Meetings Held

Unit FY2022 FY2023 FY2024
Board of Directors Number of meetings Times 15 15 14
Attendance rate among Outside directors % 100 100 98.57
Audit and Supervisory Committee (Board of Corporate Auditors) Number of meetings Times 11 (5)*1 15 15
Attendance rate % 100 100 100
Nomination and Remuneration Committee Number of meetings Times 8 8 9
  1. *1The Board of Corporate Auditors had held five meetings by June 25, 2021, the date of the Company's transition into a company with an Audit and Supervisory Committee.