May, 2015

The DeuSEL® Project received EST Transportation Environmental Awards

Social Contribution Initiatives

Since Jun, 2014

DeuSEL® Bus

Isuzu launched the DeuSEL® Project in jointly with Euglena Co.,Ltd. (hereinafter, "Euglena") in June 2014 as an activity to reduce environmental impact and develop new alternative fuels.
The project aims to commercialize a next-generation bio-diesel fuel made of the microalgae euglena (Japanese: midorimushi), which is effective even with a content rate of 100% and has no negative effect on vehicle engines.

What is DeuSEL®?

DeuSEL® is the world's first bio-diesel fuel made of the microalgae euglena, and it is developed by Euglena. Greenhouse gas emitted from running vehicles is offset when CO2 is absorbed in the course of photosynthesis of the growth phase of euglena. Therefore, this alternative fuel reduces CO2 emissions more than conventional fossils fuels.

DeuSEL® is an original name combining of diesel and euglena, and it is jointly trademarked by Isuzu and Euglena.

FY2014 Activities and others (Higher recognition for DeuSEL®)

Yokohama Car Free Day
Lecture on a visit to Kouzan Junior High School, Okazaki City, Aichi Prefecture. Attracting great interest by students.
  1. 1Major exhibition achievements
    • Yokohama Car Free Day (September 23, 2014)
    • Tokyo Motor Fes. (October 11-13, 2014)
    • Fujisawa Environmental Fair (December 13, 2014)
    • Tokyo Metropolitan Expressway full opening ceremony (March 1 and 7, 2015)
  2. 2Major seminar achievements
    • Citizen deliberation, Fujisawa City Life and Environment Council (October 22, 2014)
    • Visited a class in Kouzan Junior High School, Okazaki City, Aichi Prefecture (January 22, 2015)
  3. 3Award History
    • EST Transportation Environmental Awards, the Environment Minister's Award (Awarded jointly with Fujisawa City and others) (February 26, 2015)
Future Initiatives

In the DeuSEL® project, Isuzu strives to tackle two social needs: environmental preservation and energy security. Isuzu will offer its technologies and know-how to Euglena in order to demonstrate verification testing of the bio-fuel toward earlier commercialization.

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