K.S.  GR Japan Sales Business Planning Dept. / Sales Division

You can take on new challenges in innovative business areas
Tell us about your job?

I joined Isuzu in 2008 and am currently a member of the Sales Division. My work includes mid-term business planning for the domestic market, analyzing the performance of the used vehicle business, undertaking marketing activities, and helping drive new businesses related to the circular economy.

What do you like about Isuzu?

The appeal of Isuzu ultimately lies in its ability to challenge its people.

When do you feel a sense of job satisfaction? What do you find interesting about your job?

As a member of the domestic sales business planning team, I was involved in a project handling the maintenance leases of heavy-duty trucks that utilize remanufactured units, which use products that have been refurbished. This project was launched in October 2022.
Although we faced several challenges, from preparing proposals to coordinating internal functions, we were able to successfully launch the initiative thanks to the support of management teams and many other departments including development, production and quality assurance.
I feel proud that this initiative, which we lead as part of the project team, was published on the front page of the Nikkei newspaper. I still have that page filed carefully away.
ISUZU ID was not created yet back then, but I believe this was an innovative project unique to Isuzu in that an automotive manufacturer, which primarily manufactures new vehicles, developed a new business to reduce CO2 by not manufacturing new vehicles.

How has Isuzu changed and how are you trying to change?

I have noticed many signs of change. For example, since the unveiling of ISUZU ID, we have implemented town hall meetings and that has brought us closer to top management. I think it's good that video messages from the Chairman and President are being streamed for everyone to see, unlike before when only a limited number of people could listen to them at events such as earnings briefings.
Back when I joined the company, we used to address most people by their job titles, like "General Manager so-and-so," but now, I'm consciously addressing people in the company, including upper management, with just the "-san" honorific.

Please tell us about your "I Do Declaration."

Each and every employee at Isuzu is working to embrace ISUZU ID and change behavior as part of their own "I Do Declaration."

My I Do Declaration is to "get more people to use my nickname."
By doing so, I am convinced that distances between others will be reduced, fostering a more conducive work environment.

What actions will you take to be No.1 in one of the four areas outlined in ISUZU ID?

In order to be No.1 in Engagement, I aim to create an environment where my team members can experience success, not only by respecting each other's opinions but also by enhancing job satisfaction.

"Mutual Empowerment" is a central theme of ISUZU ID's core value. What does mutual empowerment mean to you?

I felt the power of mutual trust and empowerment when I was asked to check the documents that a team member had prepared for an upcoming a conference. Instead of going over every detail, I conveyed just a few key points and entrusted that member with the rest.
As a result, there were almost no further modifications needed and the material exceeded my expectations. This showed how much my team member had grown and also taught me, once again, the importance of mutual trust.

What would you say to someone interested in joining Isuzu?

Isuzu Motors may have a reputation for being somewhat conservative as a commercial vehicle manufacturer. I think there is some truth in that, but we are in the midst of changing.
Please join us and let's drive change and grow together as a team as we strive to change as a company!