C.K.  Uptime Support Promotion Dept. / Product & Technology Strategies Division

A company with an open atmosphere, where it is easy to talk to a wide range of people
Tell us about your job?

I'm a member of the Product & Technology Strategies Division in the Operational Support Promotion Department. I'm in charge of service planning for PREISM, which monitors vehicle conditions to prevent breakdowns and also expedites repairs, and MIMAMORI, a fleet management service that supports customer operations.

What do you like about Isuzu?

I think that there is a system in place that supports your ambitions. For example, I was quickly given the go-ahead by my supervisor when I wanted to take an external training program.

How has Isuzu changed and how are you trying to change?

I organize town hall meetings with other change ambassadors (CAs) in the division, and thanks to this work, I recently feel more comfortable talking to people in other departments. I think we have become a company with a more open atmosphere, where it is easy to talk to a wide range of people.

Please tell us about your "I Do Declaration."

Each and every employee at Isuzu is working to fulfill the ideals ISUZU ID and change their behavior as part of their own "I Do Declaration."

My I Do Declaration is to "walk 10,000 steps a day!"
Since I felt physical strength is needed to do my best at work, I have committed to a daily goal of 10,000 steps.

What actions will you take to be No.1 in one of the four areas outlined in ISUZU ID?

In order to be No.1 in Sustainability, I will develop MIMAMORI and PREISM services that promote eco-driving and carbon neutrality.

"Drive to Contribute" is a central theme of ISUZU ID's core value. How are you contributing to the company?

As a member of the back office, I contribute to supporting the work of developing MIMAMORI and PREISM services on time and within the budget.

What would you say to someone interested in joining Isuzu?

If you seek greater personal growth, come to Isuzu, and let's work together!