Driving the New Age of Transport.
Times have advanced that you can now get what you want easily anytime and anywhere. Living in a country of such a convenience and a comfort, we have noticed one thing.
We have noticed 'Transport' is an essential component to build a more affluent lifestyle. Today’s lifestyle is only possible because there are people who work tirelessly to transport anything anywhere.
'Transport' plays a key role now, and even more into the future. So ISUZU, as a company that has always supported ‘Transport’, will get more opportunities for contributing to ‘Transport’ in the world even better.

The future is just a step away, and ISUZU will keep challenging what we can do now, what close to realize soon and what looking forward to the better future.
“Driving the New Age of Transport” is the ISUZU’s theme for the 45th Tokyo Motor Show 2017 and we hope you enjoy the various exhibits at the ISUZU booth.